Operation We Care is a program designed to aid Ruritan communities in the event of a state/federal declared disaster. Operation We Care relief assistance is intended primarily for recovery after a disaster. Relief assistance is intended to help an affected community recover from a disaster.

Ruritan National’s Disaster Assistance
Operation We Care, reflects Ruritan members’ dedication to providing community service through disaster recovery services. Each year, state or federally declared disasters cause millions of dollars in damages to homes, crops, and businesses across the country. Disasters take many forms, including flooding, forest fires, drought, earthquakes and even man-made occurrences.

After a locality has been declared a federal or state disaster, organizations such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) can provide disaster victims with certain types of aid, such as temporary housing or food assistance. Other organizations, such as the Red Cross, exist just to provide emergency services.

After the immediate disaster situation has passed, the Red Cross, FEMA and other organizations often leave the community before victims have fully recovered from the disaster. Operation We Care, with the help of Ruritan district leadership, can ease the burden of recovery for many disaster victims.

While federal, state and volunteer groups supply relief to disaster victims, many of these organizations are limited in what types of assistance they can provide. Other organizations may be limited by the length of time assistance can be rendered within the community. Operation We Care can provide assistance based on community needs.

Unlike donations to specific Ruritan clubs or localities, contributions to Operation We Care are tax deductible. All contributions are received and maintained in a special Ruritan National Foundation/OWC account until payments for relief services are made to affected communities.

Ruritan members and clubs are encouraged to show their support for disaster victims by contributing to Operation We Care before a disaster strikes. Ruritan club or district fund-raisers and donations to Operation We Care qualify as a project under the Social Development Committee.

Download the OWC Situation Report for a declared disaster as a fillable PDF . HERE . Right click and choose "save as" to save to your computer. Must be signed by the district governor.

Download the OWC Situation Report for a declared disaster as a Word document. HERE . Right click and choose "save as" to save to your computer. Must be signed by the district governor.

How it works

Ruritan district leaders survey disaster-stricken communities to assess what assistance is needed within the community that other organizations are unable to or cannot provide. These district leaders will notify the Ruritan National Office. After submitting a brief report about the need for assistance, Ruritan district officials may appoint a non-standing committee to help survey the needs of the affected communities. The Operation We Care Committee will review reports from the district leaders regarding specific community needs. From these reports, the Operation We Care Committee will determine the type and amount of assistance needed. When directed by the Operation We Care committee, the Ruritan National Office will request contributions. The National Office will deposit the funds into a special Ruritan National Foundation account until Operation We Care payments are made.